
The Gospel of Matthew is unavailable, but you can change that!

Having devoted the past ten years of his life to research for this major new work, John Nolland gives us a commentary on the Gospel of Matthew that engages with a notable range of Matthean scholarship and offers fresh interpretations of the dominant Gospel in the history of the church. Without neglecting the Gospel’s sources or historical background, Nolland places his central focus on the...

likely that something similar was already present or implied in an underlying Aramaic original.341 There is no straightforward antecedent for ταύτῃ (‘this’) since πέτρα (‘rock’) has not been used previously. The construction must be understood according to sense, which opens up the possibility of various construals. Is ‘this rock’ Peter or Peter’s confession of faith, or is the reference to Jesus himself as now identified in the Petrine confession? The likelihood of these various construals
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